Stanislav Vasilev's Website

Personal Funtoo development guide

I have been a funtoo user for some 1 year now and I wanted to put this guide here in case I forget 90% of what I learned or I want to show someone a quickstart guide to funtoo development.

Funtoo is based on Gentoo, meaning that it shares the same package manager and a lot of tools with it. Funtoo however provides its own tools which will be covered below



Portage, accessible by the emerge command is the package manager for Gentoo and Gentoo-based distributions. It uses a schema called ebuild, a modified type of shell script. Portage compiles everything from source, to provide improved performance and stability. Packages in portage are ebuild scripts that may contain additional metadata.

Given that Portage has all information it needs to install your application, it will do so in a very elegant way. Next, we need to get in to atoms, an atom is the name of the package that exists on the system, an atom has a category, a name, a version and its corresponding ebuild, in general think of atoms as the abstract definition of a package and of ebuilds as the low level concept.

Atoms are stored in sets, the most used ones are the world and preserved-libs sets. The world set is simply a list of all atoms that the user installed directly using the emerge command. So for example if the user ran:

emerge firefox

portage will find the firefox package and its category then put it in the world set in the following format:


nothing else is added, because portage scans the world set and automatically resolves the dependencies of the firefox package on update, therefore there is no need to list them here.

The world set is located at /var/lib/portage/world, you can easily cat it to view your packages. The other set is the preserved-libs set, during an update of packages, if a library is updated, the old version is kept for packages that have not been rebuild yet. If the update only affects the library and not the underlying package in the world set that depends on it, the application needs to be rebuild. The preserved-libs set keeps the old version of the library in use, and if this set gets emerged, the application is recompiled and the old version is cleaned up correctly.

Now to how portage optimises packages, it's simple, portage compiles using configuration in the /etc/make.conf file, that allows the user to set, flags, optimization options and information, that applications can use at compile time. This allows for great possibilities and platform support, which can be seen on how many CPU arhitecturs Gentoo runs on(it can even run on a PlayStation 3).

But compilation is half of the story, performance and disk space are also preserved due to the concept of USE flags. These are flags that every package has that affect its compilation. They are called USE flags because they're mostly used to enable or disable features in applications, this way you only pay for what you use in an application, instead of installing all components as most binary-based distros do. USE flags are stored under /etc/portage/package.use, but you probably won't interact with the file directly as there are many USE flag managers available.

Okay so this is great and all, but there is a lot of complation. Yes there is hope you find something to do while your system compiles 😂. But for real, it's really not as bad as it seems, while yes your first install may take from 2 to 48 hours, normal people generally don't install applications constantly so the only compilation you will be doing on a day to day basis is the system update, and even this can be done at intervals, like once a week. I don't have an argument for energy prises though 😬

Well that's akward, anyway here are the most useful and important options:

  1. --oneshot/-1 compiles and installs the package but doesn't add it to the world set, useful when updating single dependencies or temporarily installting a package
  2. --keep-going continues compilation if the package that failed to install isn't blocking the whole installation, particularly useful in system updates
  3. --newuse/-N recompiles packages with modified use flags
  4. --ask/-a asks if you confirm the installation
  5. --verbose/-v verbose output
  6. --deep/-D makes portage scan the entire dependency tree of the packages
  7. --update/-u updates the package to the latest version
  8. --search/-s search for a package
  9. --depclean/-c cleans the unused atoms
  10. --deselect removes a package from the world set, but doesn't delete it. To delete it run --depclean

and here is the all-mighty system update command in portage:

emerge -auvDN @world

notice, how the world set is marked with an @ symbol, this is how you specify a set instead of an atom. The simplest form of this command is

emerge -uDN @world

this removes the verbose and ask modes from the command. After an emerge @world, always run emerge --depclean to clean up any dependencies that are no longer in use. Make sure to also read the post-install messages and check if the preserved-libs set needs to be emerged. And on the topic of the preserved-libs set, here is how you can emerge it

emerge @preserved-rebuild

We'll return to portage soon


The equery command is used to query portage. You can use it to inspect the dependency tree, sizes of packages, packs to an ebuild, its keywords and more.

Here are the most important options

  1. depends <package> - shows all packages that depend on an atom
  2. depgraph <package> - shows the depgraph of a package a.k.a. all its dependencies
  3. which <package> - Shows the full path for the package's ebuild


The ego command is a command specific to Funtoo linux

Here are the options

  1. boot update updates the bootloader
  2. doc <wiki page> displays a wiki page in the terminal
  3. kit displays all kits
  4. profile calls epro, details below
  5. query gives information about a package
  6. sync syncs with the upstream tree

To give more info on query, query has the following options:

  1. versions/v
  2. origin/o
  3. bugs

when you pass a package as the next argument you get information, for example:

$ ego query bugs firefox-bin

FL-7055 2020-03-27 Closed Firefox-bin autogen emerge failed                                  
FL-7042 2020-03-15 Closed integrate firefox-bin with autogen framework                       
FL-7038 2020-03-14 Closed tracker for cron job to auto-update firefox-bin from gentoo-current
FL-7037 2020-03-14 Closed old and vulnerable versions of firefox-bin                         
FL-6447 2019-06-18 Closed Firefox needs a version bump for critical fixes - CVE-2019-11707 

returns the following information


Another funtoo specific tool, epro toggles profiles. In funtoo, profiles are used for automatic configuration and installation of common setups. Here is a list of the most important options:

  1. show shows the current profile
  2. list lists all available profiles
  3. arch, build, subarch and desktop change their respective settings
  4. (+/-)mix-ins/mix-in changes the given mix-in profiles

for example here is my system's epro show:

$ epro show

=== Enabled Profiles: ===

        arch: x86-64bit
       build: next
     subarch: amd64-zen2
      flavor: desktop
     mix-ins: gfxcard-nvidia
     mix-ins: xfce

=== Python kit: ===

      branch: next

=== All inherited flavor from desktop flavor: ===

                     workstation (from desktop flavor)
                            core (from workstation flavor)
                         minimal (from core flavor)

=== All inherited mix-ins from desktop flavor: ===

                               X (from workstation flavor)
                           audio (from workstation flavor)
                             dvd (from workstation flavor)
                           media (from workstation flavor)
      mediadevice-audio-consumer (from media mix-in)
                mediadevice-base (from mediadevice-audio-consumer mix-in)
      mediadevice-video-consumer (from media mix-in)
                mediadevice-base (from mediadevice-video-consumer mix-in)
        mediaformat-audio-common (from media mix-in)
          mediaformat-gfx-common (from media mix-in)
        mediaformat-video-common (from media mix-in)
                  console-extras (from workstation flavor)
                           print (from desktop flavor)

=== All inherited mix-ins from gfxcard-nvidia mix-ins: ===

      core-gl-kit:gfxcard-nvidia (from gfxcard-nvidia mix-in)

using profiles funtoo makes a more-standardized experience which makes the common user experience better than in Gentoo among other benefits.

In Funtoo, mix-in profiles are profiles that can be added or removed, so I can easily switch to gnome by changing the mix-in from xfce to gnome. Same goes for graphics drivers. Not only can you enable or disable them, but you can also have multiple ones at one time, so if you're running an intel and nvidia GPU, you can use both graphics drivers.

etc-conf and dispatch-conf

The etc-conf and dispatch-conf utilities provide a safe method of changing config files by giving the user the ability to decide, to use the old config, the new one, to merge them, or something else all together

Using them doesn't require options, just run them in the terminal with root

More gentoo concepts and my personal recommendations

Dealing with USE flags

I don't recommend you type in USE flags by yourself, instead use a manager like flaggie. With it you can easily enable a flag like in this example:

# flaggie libsdl2 +ibus

or disable it with

# flaggie libsdl2 -ibus

you can also accept licenses

# flaggie adobe-flash +lic::

and more, please check flaggie's github repo for more information


Now let's get into overlays, overlays are third party package repositories. If a package isn't available in the main repos, then you can subscribe to an overlay to get it from someone in the community who made an ebuild for it. Most of the time you don't have to do that, but it's a really handy tool when you do have to get a missing package.

Here I want to clarify that Funtoo linux is not an overlay, Funtoo uses a modified version of portage, has its own kit system and more. This means that a gentoo user can't just get all the funtoo packages if he wants to because there is no way to do that. This is maybe one of the main ways funtoo diverges with gentoo. This however, doesn't mean that funtoo users can't subscribe to overlays, you can perfectly do that.

So to subscribe to an overlay, I recommend using layman, gentoo seems to have deprecated the tool in favour of an eselect module, however funtoo users don't have that module installed, so most of the time you would want to use layman.

However here is a big concideration you need to make, you mostly won't need to use it as a funtoo user. In most cases funtoo users don't need to use overlays because of the openness of the funtoo community. Funtoo has a unified Jira board and bitbucket git service that everybody can access and contribute packages to. This means that the purpose of an overlay is either

  1. You want to test out your own packages before you contribute them
  2. Your package is not accepted in the main funtoo repo

However, the chance of getting your package into funtoo is relatively high so do not feel discouraged to contribute or even to make a request for it on the Jira board

Development guide

Now that you know all about the important parts of Funtoo you can start developing packages for it, after all this is why you're reading this guide. But first some theory

How Funtoo does package maintaining better than Gentoo

Funtoo has a collection of development tools called metatools, these tools are made for development of autogens, which are python scripts or yaml files that define variables for an ebuild. The system works by having an ebuild template, this template is like any other ebuild, except the user can include jinja variables in it. Using these variables the python script or yaml file generates a brand new ebiuld file, that can be used by the user.

What this means that Funtoo developers are not tasked with looking for version changes in a package to do chores such as copy/pasting an ebuild with a new version, instead they focus on adding new packages, features and fixing bugs in already existing packages. You can already find out that this saves a lot of development time and resources, which allows funtoo to sustain its open model.

Getting started with development for funtoo

Before we begin please check out the ebuild API reference in Gentoo, this will help you understand how to make an ebuild. Generally keep in mind that Funtoo has diverged from portage at EAPI7, with that being the latest version for Funtoo, while Gentoo has created EAPI8

Now that you know how to write an ebuild, let's get going with the prerequisites. First install metatools with:

$ emerge metatools

now time to go to, click on the Log in button image and create an account. Once your account is ready, log into Once you're logged in you can access all parts of the bug tracker, here funtoo organizes and adresses all bugs. For now we won't be submitting a bug report, instead this example will contain packages already contributed and available in funtoo as the examples. Click on this button and select the Bitbucket option image You will be greeted by this screen image click on the repository section -> all repositories. The repositories in the section Auto-Generated Kits are as the name suggests autogenerated, we don't touch them manually, instead we commit packages to repositories under Core Repositories. Here you can find the source code to tools like ego, but we're here for packages. There is 1 main package repo, kit-fixups, there you can find most kits, other repos exist, mainly ones with the postfix of -kit-sources. Those are specialised kits and most of them are for desktop environments

Anyway, for this tutorial, we're going to use the normal method of forking kit-fixups. To do that click on the kit-fixups repo, and click Create Fork, and follow the instructions, after that just clone the forked repo on your sistem and let's begin with development

Creating your first autogen

Let's begin with you first autogen. The most simple example is the package ibus-m17n, a package that provides a wide array of input methods to ibus

The package is located under kit-fixups/desktop-kit/curated/app-i18n. But if you already know how ebuilds are structured you may ask "Well where is the package? There is no folder for it?", here is the magic of autogen this package is generated by the autogen.yaml file, this file is global to the category and uses the templates folder to use for the different packages' ebuild templates. Let's take a look:

ibus-tables:                                    # Context
  generator: github-1                           # Generator
  packages:                                     # Package list
    - ibus-m17n:                                # Package entry
        github:                                 # Information for the generator
          user: ibus                            # Github username
          repo: ibus-m17n                       # Github repository
          query: releases                       # Query github: releases or tags are the only options here
          tarball: "ibus-m17n-{version}.tar.gz" # The tarball name, version is automatically fetched from the tag name

This is the code in the autogen.yaml file that autogens ibus-m17n. Read the comments for annotation. As you can see funtoo has already implemented github as a common generator, making generating a package easy.

Now that we have an autogen, we need an ebuild template, you can find the template for ibus-m17n under the templates folder, with the name of ibus-m17n.tmpl, these are the contents of the file

# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2


inherit gnome3-utils xdg

DESCRIPTION="M17N engine for IBus"
SRC_URI="{% raw %}{% endraw %}"

IUSE="gtk nls"

    gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:3 )
    nls? ( virtual/libintl )"

src_configure() {
    econf \
        $(use_enable nls) \
        $(use_with gtk gtk 3.0)

pkg_preinst() {

pkg_postinst() {

pkg_postrm() {

Notice how on line 9, we use the syntax {% raw %}{% endraw %} for the SRC_URI variable, this is a jinja declaration, more info on the different variables passed to jinja later in the document. Just know that this syntax is the only thing you need to know for simple yaml autogens

Python autogens

YAML autogens aren't the only way of doing things in Funtoo. If your package is very specific, you will need more powerful tools for autogenning packages. Fortunately, metatools also allows you to write autogens in Python, not only that but Python autogens can be generators for yaml autogens(this part will be explained later)

Here is an autogen for the rtl8192eu driver under kit-fixups/core-hw-kit/curated/net-wireless. The driver needs to fetch the latest commit from a github repository, which is not currently possible but will soon be resolved by this issue. This example is still accurate though. Here is the code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

async def query_github_api(user, repo, query):
    return await hub.pkgtools.fetch.get_page(

async def is_valid(user, repo, commit):
    commit_sha = commit["sha"]
    commit_status = await query_github_api(user, repo, f"commits/{commit_sha}/status")

    return "failure" not in commit_status["state"]

async def generate(hub, **pkginfo):
    github_user = "Mange"
    github_repo = "rtl8192eu-linux-driver"

    commits = await query_github_api(github_user, github_repo, "commits?sha=realtek-4.4.x")

    valid_commits = (commit for commit in commits if await is_valid(github_user, github_repo, commit))

    target_commit = await valid_commits.__anext__()

    commit_date = datetime.strptime(target_commit["commit"]["committer"]["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    commit_hash = target_commit["sha"]
    version = commit_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    url = f"{github_user}/{github_repo}/archive/{commit_hash}.tar.gz"
    final_name = f"{pkginfo['name']}-{version}.tar.gz"

    ebuild = hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild(
        artifacts=[hub.pkgtools.ebuild.Artifact(url=url, final_name=final_name)],

The generate(hub, **pkginfo) function is the main function of your autogen. This python file has some special features, for example notice how in this block:

async def query_github_api(user, repo, query):
    return await hub.pkgtools.fetch.get_page(

we use hub.pkgtools.fetch.get_page to query the github API. The first argument is the link, the second is whether the page is json, this is important to specify because if set to false, it will return a string and not a json object.

Next notice how we create an autogen, after all info from github is collected, we call the following code

    commit_date = datetime.strptime(target_commit["commit"]["committer"]["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    commit_hash = target_commit["sha"]
    version = commit_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    url = f"{github_user}/{github_repo}/archive/{commit_hash}.tar.gz"
    final_name = f"{pkginfo['name']}-{version}.tar.gz"

    ebuild = hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild(
        artifacts=[hub.pkgtools.ebuild.Artifact(url=url, final_name=final_name)],

this code calculates the version from the date a commit was made, gets the tarball url of the commit and designates a final_name variable, and pushes and ebuild.

An ebuild is an object of type hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild, the object requires some data, namely **pkginfo, a version and an array of artifacts

The pkginfo variable is a map that contains the following 3 fields

  1. name - the name of the package i.e. rtl8192eu
  2. cat - the category of the package i.e. net-wireless
  3. template_path - The path to the autogen template file

The artifacts array is an array of type hub.pkgtools.ebuild.Artifact(that's what we acces in the jinja substition in the previous part). Every artifact contains 2 variables:

  1. url - the tarball url
  2. final_name - the name to which the tarball will be renamed i.e. "satirsdarsdarsd.tar.gz" -> "pacakge.tar.gz"

when we have the artifacts array populated, we can push an ebuild with the .push() member function of the hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild object.

But talking about jinja previously you might wonder if we can push other variables and the answer is yes, the github_user and github_repo variables that we passed to hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild are actually custom variables and they can be accessed in the template.

Now for the template of the driver:

# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

inherit linux-mod

DESCRIPTION="Realtek 8192EU driver module for Linux kernel"
SRC_URI="{% raw %}{% endraw %}"

KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"



src_unpack() {
    unpack ${A}
    mv "${WORKDIR}"/{% raw %}{% endraw %}-* "${S}"

notice how we access the github_repo variable in the last line of the src_unpack function and how the SRC_URI variable has the same value

Generating an autogen

Alright we went trough the common uses of an autogen, now to generating an ebuild. First we need to make something clear about github. Github has a very restrictive rate limit, so if you want to rapidly ping github for autogens you need to access github using your own account. This can be done by creating the ~/.autogen file and populating it with your github name and personal access token like this:

    username: "<insert github name here>"
    password: "<insert github personal access token here>"

next, head to your autogen directory. First let's go to kit-fixups/desktop-kit/curated/app-i18n/ and generate ibus-m17n.

You can generate the whole category by running doit, but we don't want that, we just want ibus-m17n, fortunately you can provide the --pkg <name> argument to control which package gets generated. In our example run:

sudo doit --pkg ibus-m17n

a new folder will be created called ibus-m17n, entering it you will see the following 2 files

  1. Manifest
  2. ibus-m17n-<version>.ebuild

If you cat the ebuild you will get similar output

# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2


inherit gnome3-utils xdg

DESCRIPTION="M17N engine for IBus"
SRC_URI=" -> ibus-m17n-1.4.13.tar.gz"

IUSE="gtk nls"

    gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:3 )
    nls? ( virtual/libintl )"

src_configure() {
    econf \
        $(use_enable nls) \
        $(use_with gtk gtk 3.0)

pkg_preinst() {

pkg_postinst() {

pkg_postrm() {

notice how in the SRC_URI we have substituted {% raw %}{% endraw %} to a valid URL.

Next to use the ebuild, run the ebuild command like this

sudo ebuild <ebuild file> clean install

this will test if the ebuild can run until src_install. If it is successful, you can merge the ebuild into your system, this can be done using

sudo ebuild <ebuild file> clean merge

additionally, you might have multiple sources in the SRC_URI variable and your build can fail with the following message:

!!! Fetched file: <custom source here>.tar.xz VERIFY FAILED!
!!! Reason: Insufficient data for checksum verification
!!! Got:      
!!! Expected: BLAKE2B BLAKE2S MD5 RMD160 SHA1 SHA256 SHA3_256 SHA3_512 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL

to fix this run

sudo ebuild <ebuild file> clean digest

then run with clean install again and you won't get the error.

When you're ready with your using your ebuild you can now remove it because Funtoo doesn't need it, files like the Manifest and ebuild files from autogeneration are not used by funtoo and therefore they need to be deleted. Additionally keep in mind that when a package only has an ebuild and is not autogenerated, you need to delete it's entry in the kit's packages.yaml file if you made an autogen for it.

Next let's head to kit-fixups/core-hw-kit/curated/net-wireless/rtl8192eu, here we have a single python autogen. You can simply run doit and it will generate the autogen for you. If you cat the ebuild file, you're going to get something similar to this:

# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

inherit linux-mod

DESCRIPTION="Realtek 8192EU driver module for Linux kernel"
SRC_URI=" -> rtl8192eu-20220825.tar.gz"

KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"



src_unpack() {
    unpack ${A}
    mv "${WORKDIR}"/rtl8192eu-linux-driver-* "${S}"

here, other than deleting the ebuild and Manifest file we also have to delete the __pycache__ folder

Custom generators

A custom generator is a python autogen that can be used in yaml autogens to generate ebuilds. It's better when given an example, so head to kit-fixups/dev-kit/curated/app-i18n. If you cat the autogen.yaml file you will get something like this

  generator: github-1
    cat: app-i18n
    - libpinyin:
          user: libpinyin
          repo: libpinyin
          query: releases
          tarball: "libpinyin-{version}.tar.gz"
    - libchewing:
          user: chewing
          repo: libchewing
          query: releases
          tarball: "libchewing-{version}.tar.bz2"
    - pyzy:
          user: openSUSE
          repo: pyzy
          query: releases
    - librime:
          user: rime
          repo: librime
          query: releases
    cat: app-i18n
  generator: zinniag
    - zinnia:
        fullname: zinnia
        description: Zinnia - Online hand recognition system with machine learning
        license: BSD
    - zinnia-tomoe:
        fullname: zinnia-tomoe
        description: Handwriting model files trained with Tomoe data
        license: LGPL-2.1+

the first root entry in the yaml file uses the github generator as expected, but the zinnia_rule entry uses the zinniag generator. All data here is pure metadata, the only important stuff here is the generator's name and the entries in the packages array. Here 2 packages, zinnia and zinnia-tomoe will be generated with the zinniag generator. The templates are as expected stored under the templates folder for the category-global The generator itself can be found under the generators folder, under the file.

Opening the file gives us this information

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# TODO: Convert to YAML autogen when FL-10360 gets resolved
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

async def query_github_api(user, repo, query):
    return await hub.pkgtools.fetch.get_page(

async def is_valid(user, repo, commit):
    commit_sha = commit["sha"]
    commit_status = await query_github_api(user, repo, f"commits/{commit_sha}/status")

    return "failure" not in commit_status["state"]

async def generate(hub, **pkginfo):
    github_user = "taku910"
    github_repo = "zinnia"

    commits = await query_github_api(github_user, github_repo, "commits?sha=master")

    valid_commits = (
        commit for commit in commits if await is_valid(github_user, github_repo, commit)

    target_commit = await valid_commits.__anext__()

    commit_date = datetime.strptime(
        target_commit["commit"]["committer"]["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
    package = pkginfo["name"]
    commit_hash = target_commit["sha"]
    version = commit_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    url = f"{github_user}/{github_repo}/archive/{commit_hash}.tar.gz"
    final_name = f"{package}-{version}.tar.gz"

    ebuild = hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild(
        artifacts=[hub.pkgtools.ebuild.Artifact(url=url, final_name=final_name)],

here, similar to the rtl8192eu package, we fetch the lates commit from a github repository. THe zinnia github repo contains 2 github folders, one for zinnia and the other for zinnia-tomoe. And because of that we can reuse this script to generate the 2 packages at the same time. However, unlike the other autogens I showed, here we don't actually hardcode the name of the package, instead it's given to us in the pkginfo struct, so when creating the final_name we acutally use pkginfo["name"] to get the package name when generating it. This way our script is completely modular

Next, if we generate zinnia using doit --pkg zinnia and enter the zinnia folder we can see that we have an ebuild ready to install. And that's how we create 2 packages at the same time using a generator. These generators can be more complicated like the m17n generator under kit-fixups/dev-kit/curated/dev-libs/generators/ which uses webscraping to get a tarball for the m17n-lib, m17n-db and m17n-contrib packages (m17n-db and m17n-contrib packages are under dev-db and have their own copy of the generator but it's still the same tactic)

Showcasing the powers of jinja and autogen

Lastly I want to show you an autogen script that I wrote myself for rime-plum, the package manager for the rime input method. Here is the issue, rime-plum uses github to download its packages, and ebuilds do not allow for downloading during the installation period. It is important to note here that the packages that depend on rime-plum i.e. ibus-rime and fcitx-rime need the base package database. Fortunately the developers keep a file containing the packages in the base database in the github repo of plum. So I figured, that I can fetch the latest commit of all the packages and put it as a source for plum and I was successful in doing so. I wanted to share this with you to show you how powerful autogens are. Here is the autogen

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# TODO: When plum 1.0 releases, switch to release based autogen
# TODO: Convert to yaml commit based autogen if it releases before the 1.0 of plum
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

github_user = "rime"
github_repo = "rime"

async def query_github_api(user, repo, query):
    return await hub.pkgtools.fetch.get_page(

async def is_valid(user, repo, commit):
    commit_sha = commit["sha"]
    commit_status = await query_github_api(user, repo, f"commits/{commit_sha}/status")

    return "failure" not in commit_status["state"]

# Generates a link from a name
async def process_pkg(pkg, hub, **pkginfo):
    commits = await query_github_api(github_user, f"{github_repo}-{pkg}", "commits?sha=master")
    valid_commits = (
        commit for commit in commits if await is_valid(github_user, f"{github_repo}-{pkg}", commit)
    target_commit = await valid_commits.__anext__()
    commit_hash = target_commit["sha"]

    return f"{github_user}/{github_repo}-{pkg}/archive/{commit_hash}.tar.gz"

# This function fetches the initial package list from the plum repository and parses it to return a list of packages
async def get_pkgs():
    package_list = await hub.pkgtools.fetch.get_page("", is_json=False, refresh_interval=timedelta(days=15))

    package_list = package_list.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "")
    # find the first occurance of ( and erase 2 additional characters(\r\n) to remove the space,
    # resulting in a nice string to iterate over line by line until we find the ) terminator
    package_list = package_list[package_list.find('(') + 2:]

    packages = []
    accum = ""
    for pkg in package_list:
        if pkg == '\n':
            accum = ""
        elif pkg == ')':
            accum += pkg

    return packages

async def generate(hub, **pkginfo):
    commits = await query_github_api(github_user, "plum", "commits?sha=master")

    valid_commits = (
        commit for commit in commits if await is_valid(github_user, "plum", commit)

    target_commit = await valid_commits.__anext__()

    commit_date = datetime.strptime(
        target_commit["commit"]["committer"]["date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
    commit_hash = target_commit["sha"]
    version = commit_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    final_name = f"{pkginfo['name']}-{version}.tar.gz"
    url = f"{github_user}/plum/archive/{commit_hash}.tar.gz"

    artifacts = [ hub.pkgtools.ebuild.Artifact(url=url, final_name=final_name)]

    packages = await get_pkgs()
    # Process the package to get a link, alias the artifact using ebuild formatting to get a human-readable name
    for pkg in packages:
        artifacts.append(hub.pkgtools.ebuild.Artifact(await process_pkg(pkg, hub, **pkginfo), final_name=f"{pkg}.tar.gz"))

    ebuild = hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild(

what this autogen does is, it fetches the latest commit from the main plum repo, downloads everything, then fetches the package file, iterates all package names, generates a github link for all packages in the format{name}, fetches their latest commit, gets the tarball URL from the commit and pushes it as a new artifact in the artifacts array. Here is the template:

# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Plum replaces brise, the old database package that many distributions currently use

inherit user

DESCRIPTION="Rime configuration manager and input schema repository"
SRC_URI="{% raw %}{% for artifact in artifacts %}
    {% endfor %}{% endraw %}"

LICENSE="GPL-3 LGPL-3 extra? ( Apache-2.0 )"


pkg_setup() {
    # Create the rime group
    enewgroup "rime"

src_unpack() {
    unpack ${A}
    mv "${WORKDIR}"/plum-* "${S}"

src_compile() {
    echo "Nothing to compile"

src_install() {
    # create directories and files that are needed
    mkdir -p ${ED}/usr/bin/
    mkdir -p ${ED}/usr/share/rime-data
    mkdir -p ${ED}/var/lib/plum
    mkdir -p ${ED}/etc

    # Install the plum source code to /var/lib, the source is required for plum to actually function.
    # There is no standard directory for installing the plum source, instead it is defined by an
    # environment variable. Logically it should be under /var/lib so that's where I put it
    cp "${S}"/* "${ED}"/var/lib/plum -r

    # Create symbolic link between the source and the binary directory
    cp ${ED}/var/lib/plum/rime-install ${ED}/usr/bin/rime-install

    # Install the data for rime, we cannot use the rime-install package manager since we don't have internet access
    for directory in "${WORKDIR}"/*/; do
        cp -f "${directory}"*.yaml "${directory}"*.txt "${ED}"/usr/share/rime-data &> /dev/null

    # install the plum_dir environment variable
    echo "plum_dir=\"/var/lib/plum\"" >> "${ED}"/etc/environment

    # Manage permissions here
    chgrp -R rime "${ED}"/var/lib/plum/
    chmod -R g+w "${ED}"/var/lib/plum/

Notice how for the SRC_URI variable we iterate the artifacts array using jinja. When we run doit we get this SRC_URI variable:

SRC_URI=" -> rime-plum-20220702.tar.gz -> bopomofo.tar.gz -> cangjie.tar.gz -> essay.tar.gz -> luna-pinyin.tar.gz -> prelude.tar.gz -> stroke.tar.gz -> terra-pinyin.tar.gz"

all arranged as it should

Final remarks on ebuild development

Here I want to present some useful information for ebuilds in Funtoo.

Adding config file and accessing the file system

During src_install you can add files and folders to the user's filesystem. Ebuilds are sandboxed and therefore you can't use the / path directly, instead your ebuild only has access to what portage allows it to have access to. To fix this prepend the ${ED} variable before your /, so for example /etc/environment becomes "${ED}"/etc/environment. Moreover you can do whatever file operations you want on these files.

Config file protection

As discussed way above, the etc-conf and dispatch-conf utilities allow the user to update their config files when the application updates. To update a configuration file trough an ebuild just add anything to it, a temporary file will be created by portage and portage will signal the user to use dispatch-conf or etc-conf to fix the problem. So for example in the plum ebuild we use:

echo "plum_dir=\"/var/lib/plum\"" >> "${ED}"/etc/environment

to append plum_dir="/var/lib/plum" to /etc/environment

Python compat

You might see Gentoo using the syntax of PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} ), however in funtoo we have unified python versions, so we mostly use PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3+ ) if the package just requires python 3. We can still add a specific version to PYTHON_COMPAT if it really requires that specific version


In Funtoo we don't support as much architectures as Gentoo does, this is because funtoo has its own support matrix system, where the most-popular architectures are a priority. Therefore we usually don't add specific keywords and instead write:


Closing note

Hope you learned something from this guide, I tried to make it as easy and as large as I could because there are really a lot of concepts to cover when talking about gentoo and funtoo development. If you find any error or problem here, please submit an issue to my website's github repo here