Translations for this page are available in:
- Bulgarian/Български 🇧🇬
Hey there
I am Stanislav, also known as Madman10K. I am 19 years old and mainly work on applications using C and C++.
I was born in Sofia, Bulgaria 🇧🇬.
I started programming when I was 12, with the idea of making games. I started with Unity, but found it
very hard to use. After a month of using it, I switched to using
Unreal Engine 4.18, with which, I spent 2 years building games.
After making a couple of unfinished games(but gaining a lot of experience on the way), I decided to take my Unreal Engine knowledge and make a
game engine called the UntitledVulkanGameEngine. I was 14 in 2020, when I started working on it.
In July 2022, I started the UntitledDesktopEnvironment under MadLadSquad. I’m currently the only developer, so I work on all aspects of it. The goal is to make an independent Linux desktop environment like Gnome and KDE. It includes a custom implementation of almost all core DE features, including a custom-built desktop application framework, the UntitledImGuiFramework.
- Forgotten game using Unity - January - February 2018
- Multiple forgotten singleplayer games with various Unreal Engine versions - April 2018 to August 2019
- A multiplayer FPS game using UE4 - September 8th 2019 - 31st of August 2020
- The UntitledVulkanGameEngine - since 4th of May 2020
- The UntitledDiscordBot - since August 2021
- The UntitledLinuxGameManager - since 21st of December 2021
- UntitledLog - since the 12th of December 2020
- UntitledRuntimeLibraryLoader and
UntitledExec - since 1st of February 2022
- UntitledDesktopEnvironment and other unannounced projects - since 20th of June 2022
- i18n and other package support in Funtoo Linux -
Since 1st of August 2022
- All MadLadSquad projects - Since January 2018
- Social media marketing and content creation for - Since 23th of September 2023
The large majority of these are created under MadLad Squad, which is a
github organization, that I and other users, utilise to collaborate on all the software listed above.
Current projects
I am currently working on the following projects:
MadLadSquad projects I am working on
- UntitledVulkanGameEngine - A cross-platform general use, Vulkan game engine
- UVKShaderCompiler - A shader compiler for the UntitledVulkanGameEngine
- MadLadSquadBot - Our general purpose Discord bot
- UntitledGameSystemManager - A manager for containerized game systems using LXC and LXD
- UVKBuildTool - A build file generator for the UntitledVulkanGameEngine and UntitledImGuiFramework
- UntitledImGuiFramework - A minimal destkop application development framework for C++,
made for our desktop environment(UntitledDesktopEnvironment/UDE)
- UntitledImGuiTheme - A theme library for dear imgui using a YAML format
- UntitledDESessionLogout - A session logout utility for UDE
- UntitledDEWelcome - A help and welcome screen applicatino for UDE
- UntitledImGuiTextUtils - ImGui Text rendering utility functions such as rendering underlined, bold or italic text
- UntitledDesktopBootstrap - A collection of scripts that creates needed folders and files when first installing UDE
- UntitledDBusUtils - A collection of utilities for dealing with dbus
- UntitledXDGBasedir - An implementation of the XDG base directory specification
UntitledDesktop Flow
- UDFPanel - A minimal and highly-customisable desktop panel implementation
- Youyin - A website for learning how to write Chinese characters and other scripts
- YouyinPublicDeckRepository - Public deck repository for Youyin
- hanzi-writer-data-youyin - Monolyth character database for Youyin
- hanzi-writer-data-others - Database for non-Chinese and Kana characters for Youyin, to be developed
- UntitledFontUtils - Cross-platform utilities for dealing with system fonts, to be developed
- UntitledIBusHandwriting - A handwriting input method engine for ibus
- UntitledI18N - A C and C++ i18n library
Flipper Zero
- UntitledFlipperZero - A partial C++ wrapper on top of the Flipper Zero C API
- FlipperTasks - A to-do list application for the Flipper Zero
Libraries and misc applications
- MadLadSquadSite - The MadLadSquad website
- UntitledLog - A small logging library
- UntitledRuntimeLibraryLoader - A small cross-platform shared library loder library
- UntitledExec - A small cross-platform library to execute applications as seperate processes
- check-for-synced-branches-action - An action to check if 2
branches are in sync, also works for forks and upstream
- UntitledCLIParser - A C and C++ parser for CLI arguments
- UntitledDesktopOverlay - A Gentoo/Funtoo overlay for all MadLadSquad, UDE and UDF applications + additional components for the desktops, to be developed
- UntitledTemplatingEngine - A fully turing complete templating engine using a lisp-like language written in C and C++
- GenericScripts - A list of generic scripts we use a lot on most of our repositories
- UntitledOpen - A library to open URIs with a default application or files/folders with a file picker
Work experience
I have done paid commissions since 2020 but they have mostly been rare(i.e. once every 3-4 months) and private, so no details can be discussed here.
What I can say is that I worked on various C++ projects with my job being:
- Fixing bugs
- Refactoring, modernizing and cleaning up a codebase
- Porting a codebase from Windows to Unix or vice versa
- Other various programing work including writing small features for apps, implementing data structures and abstractions, and doing other general
software development work
Outside of this, since I was in my period of game development, January 2018 to December 2021, I also had the experience of managing a game project with
other people. Specifically, I worked on it with a team of 2 other people, an artist and a musician
Programming knowledge
I have written a lot of code in the following programming languages:
- C and C++ - I have been using them for over 4 years
- Python - I have been using it for some projects for about a year
- Bash and shell - I have been using bash and shell scripts for over 2 years
- Golang - I maintain a discord bot written in golang that I update yearly since 2021
- HTML + CSS + Javascript + Markdown - I have been using the traditional frontend web stack from time to time during the last 5 years, but mostly on
and off. The main websites I have worked on are my website, the madladsquad site and
Other than that, because I mainly work on libraries, frameworks, game engines and development tools, I have a lot of knowledge in developing a library or
framework with a nice interface. As expected I know a good number of things about modern and historical hardware and systems, together with basic
assembly for debugging and optimizing programs.
List of skills
This is a list of skills for people who want to quickly learn what I am capable of:
- Programming languages(in order of my knowledge level)
- C and C++
- Bash & shell scripting
- HTML, CSS, JS & Markdown
- Golang
- Python
- Rust
- Software development fields(in no particular order)
- Game development
- Graphics programming
- Desktop application development(Windows and Linux)
- Full stack web development(traditional web development, without frontend frameworks and in most cases without backend frameworks)
- Software internationalisation
- Library development
- Linux systems programming
- Windows systems programming
- Linux package development(ports-based packages)
- Funtoo package development(ebuild and autogen(python scripts to automatically generate new versions of an ebuild) development)
- LXD development(using the golang API)
- DBus
- IME development(for ibus)
- Discord bot development in Golang
- Programming language development
- SVG manipulation(heavily used to handle character recognition for Youyin)
- Autotools, CMake, Makefiles - Almost all projects listed above
- Embedded
- Non-programming concepts
- Product internationalisation - Successfully brought the following projects to multiple markets by providing translations and adding locally-relevant content
- 3D modelling & texturing(related to game development, very little experience here) + 3D printing
- 2D/3D scene and level design(related to game development)
- Large project & team management - Managed the following large programming projects
- Social media marketing and content creation(at
- Product development, deployment, monetisation and marketing
- Fonts and typography knowledge
- Freelancing
- Languages: 🇧🇬🇬🇧🇩🇪🇨🇳
These are the languages I am currently learning:
- Bulgarian 🇧🇬 - native
- English 🇬🇧 - between C1 and C2
- German 🇩🇪 - between A2 and B1
- Mandarin Chinese(simplified characters) 🇨🇳 - HSK3(new)
The following are my main hobbies and interests:
- Programming
- Language learning
- Economics and Business
- Geopolitics
- European Politics
- City planning
- Modern European history(1700-now)
- Geography
- Philosophy
Additionally, sometimes, I also dabble into the following fields:
- Game design and development
- Music and audio design
- Creative writing and storytelling
- Electronics
- Playing videogames
Fun facts
- I’m a Gentoo Linux user, Funtoo Linux to be exact
- I mostly write in 🇬🇧 english
- I use Colemak as my main keyboard layout and can write with 138 WPM, with QWERTY 56WPM
Blog about stuff you don’t care about
Ordered chronologically:
- Personal Funtoo Development Guide
- 3D models I’ve made
- Installing and using a b-trust QES on Linux