Stanislav Vasilev's Website

About me

I am a 19 years old Bulgarian software developer, mainly specialising in the fields of:

  1. Cross-platform application development
  2. Desktop application development
  3. Systems programming
  4. Software distribution
  5. Software internationalisation

I am currently studying Computer and Software Engineering at the Technical University of Sofia in Bulgaria.

At my day job at Metacraft Labs, I work on the CodeTracer time-travelling debugger for Ruby, Noir, C, C++, Rust, Go and more.

In my free time, I mainly work on one of my numerous projects, mainly the UntitledDesktopEnvironment and its custom desktop application development toolkit: the UntitledImGuiFramework.

Software development

I started my software development journey when I was 12 years old in 2018. Over the years I have focused on working in the roles listed belowed, with the skills I have gained for each role as subpoints:

  1. Game developer 2018 - 2020: mainly developing games with Unreal Engine 4
    • Game development with Unreal Engine 4
    • General game development experience
    • Usage of standard Unreal Engine 4 utilities
    • Level design
  2. Game engine developer 2020 - 2023: developing the UntitledVulkanGameEngine, my own custom game engine
    • Game engine development
    • Library development
    • Framework development
    • CI/CD
    • dear imgui
    • Graphics programming
    • Vulkan
    • OpenGL
    • C/C++
    • Shell/Bash
  3. Maintaining Funtoo Linux i18n packages 2022 - 2024: added, autogenned and maintained a large part of the packages covered by the Funtoo Linux Multilingual Project
    • DevOps
    • Desktop packaging
    • Gentoo/Funtoo packaging
    • i18n application development
    • Python
  4. Social media brand manager 2023 - 2024: experimenting with running an instagram page about Bulgarian hip-hop + developing utilities that use the Spotify API for certain tasks
    • Social media marketing
    • Social media account management
    • Python
  5. Desktop application developer 2022 - present: creating my own independent desktop environment and desktop application development toolkit from scratch
    • Desktop application development
    • Software internationalisation
    • Linux systems programming
    • Linux desktop application development
    • Windows systems programming
    • Windows desktop application development
    • macOS systems programming
    • macOS desktop application development
    • iOS application development
    • iPadOS application development
    • Android systems programming
    • Android application development
    • Graphics programming
    • Vulkan
    • OpenGL
    • WebGPU
    • WASM
    • Emscripten
    • C/C++
    • Shell/Bash
    • Rust
    • Golang
    • LXD
    • Incus
    • DBus
    • IME Development
    • Programming language development
    • SVG manipulation
    • Autotools, CMake, Makefiles
    • Build systems
    • CI/CD
    • Large project & team management
    • Fonts and typography
    • Flutter
  6. Web developer 2020 - present: developed a number web applications, both simple and complex using vanilla JS, C++ and Rust
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • Rust
    • C/C++
    • SQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Fonts and typography
    • SVG manipulation
    • Bash & shell scripting
    • Full-stack web development(without frontend frameworks)
  7. Flipper Zero application developer 2024 - present: creating applications for the Flipper Zero and developing a C++ wrapper for its C API
    • Embedded
    • Library development
    • C/C++
  8. DevOps tooling developer for pkggen 2025 - present: developing a utility for robust automatic updating, testing and publishing of desktop packages for multiple package managers and operating systems at the same time
    • CI/CD
    • C/C++
    • Python
    • Bash & shell scripting
    • DevOps
  9. Developer at Metacraft Labs September 2024 - present: working on the CodeTracer time-travelling debugger for Ruby, Noir, C, C++, Rust, Go and more.
    • Desktop application development
    • Software internationalisation
    • Linux systems programming
    • Linux desktop application development
    • macOS systems programming
    • macOS desktop application development
    • Windows systems programming
    • Windows desktop application development
    • C/C++
    • Ruby
    • Python
    • Noir
    • Nim
    • Rust
    • Go
    • Tup build system
    • Just command runner
    • Nix package development
    • Shell/bash scripting
    • Autotools/CMake/make
    • Electron
    • Javascript
  10. Unannounced Heapforge project 2025 - present: developing an unannounced project in the field of graphic design
  11. Ebooks and online courses 2025 - present: writing ebooks and creating online video courses in the field of desktop application development
  12. Multiple unannounced Heapforge projects 2025 - present: mostly websites

My projects

Here is a list of all my projects based on their topic, ranked by size and complexity in descending order:

Desktop applications/UntitledDesktopEnvironment

Libraries and frameworks:

  1. UntitledImGuiFramework - a fully featured desktop application development toolkit using the dear imgui UI library. Try an interactive demo at
  2. pkggen - a tool for rubust automatic updating, testing and publishing of desktop packages for multiple package managers and operating systems at the same time
  3. UntitledImGuiFileBrowser* - a file browser library for dear imgui used by the UntitledFileBrowser project
  4. UntitledI18N - an internationalisation library with a custom YAML format written in C++
  5. UntitledFontManager - a cross-platform font manager and fetcher library
  6. UntitledImGuiTextUtils - a rich text rendering library for dear imgui
  7. UntitledTemplatingEngine - a templating engine with a lisp-like programming language
  8. UntitledDBusUtils - a C++ metaprogramming wrapper on top of the low level C DBus API that introduces memory- and type-safety
  9. UntitledDesktopIcons* - a cross-platform C/C++ library for getting the default icons for applications or OS actions
  10. UntitledOpen - a cross-platform library for opening URLs or files with the default application/file picker
  11. UVKBuildTool - a utility for assisting in the build process of the UntitledVulkanGameEngine and UntitledImGuiFramework with an additional static site generator functionality
  12. cimgui_extra - a collection of hand-written C bindings for a number of popular dear imgui libraries
  13. UntitledImGuiTheme - a library for loading themes as YAML files for dear imgui
  14. UntitledCLIParser - a C/C++ parser for CLI arguments
  15. UntitledLog - a C/C++ logging library
  16. UntitledExec - a cross-platform wrapper on top of fork & exec/CreateProcess
  17. UntitledRuntimeLibraryLoader - a cross-platform library for loading shared libraries at runtime
  18. UntitledXDGBasedir - a C/C++ implementation of the XDG Base directory and XDG home directory specifications
  19. UntitledDesktopBootstrap* - a number of scripts for bootstrapping the UntitledDesktopEnvironment


  1. UntitledGameSystemManager - a graphical manager for containerised Linux gaming systems
  2. UImGuiDemo - a demo for the UntitledImGuiFramework. Hosted at
  3. UntitledFileBrowser - a cross-platform file browser and file picker
  4. UntitledDEPolkitAgent** - a polkit agent for the UntitledDesktopEnvironment
  5. UntitledDESessionLogout - a session logout utility for Freedesktop-based systems
  6. UntitledIBusHandwriting - a handwriting input method for IBus

* Highly incomplete and a work in progress

** Not yet started development

Web applications

  1. YouyinWeb - a website for learning how to write in any writing system. Hosted at
  2. - a URL shortener
  3. UntitledCommerce - A university project where I and 3 more people made a full ecommerce solution with an example frontend, backend and control panel
  4. MadLadSquadSite - the website for MadLadSquad. Hosted at
  5. hanzi-writer-data-others - a hanzi-writer character database for all languages, except Chinese and Japanese
  6. hanzi-writer-data-youyin - a unified character database for youyin
  7. YouyinPublicDeckRepository - a repository containing all the public decks on the Youyin marketplace

Flipper Zero

Libraries and applications:

  1. FlipperTasks - a TODO list application with over 30K downloads on the flipper application catalogue as of February 2025. You can see up-to-date statistics here
  2. UntitledFlipperZero - a C++ wrapper on top of the C UI API


  1. UntitledVulkanGameEngine - the UntitledVulkanGameEngine source code


  1. MadLadSquadBot - the discord bot for the MadLadSquad discord server
  2. UntitledDesktopOverlay - a Gentoo/Funtoo overlay for the UntitledDesktopEnvironment
  3. SpotifyUtilities - scripts for fetching data from official and unofficial Spotify APIs used for my old social media page
  4. ChitankaExtractor - a number of scripts for extracting data from book archives
  5. check-for-synced-branches-action - a GitHub action that checks if 2 branches are in sync and outputs by how many commits they diverge
  6. GenericScripts - a repository of useful scripts

Work experience

This is my current work experience, outside of my own personal projects:

  1. 2020 - 2021: freelance programmer
  2. September 2024 - present: part-time developer at Metacraft Labs Ltd. Project not yet released.

Human languages

These are the languages I am currently learning:

  1. Bulgarian 🇧đŸ‡Ŧ - native
  2. English đŸ‡Ŧ🇧 - between C1 and C2
  3. German 🇩đŸ‡Ē - B1
  4. Mandarin Chinese(simplified characters) 🇨đŸ‡ŗ - HSK3(new)

In the future I might start learning more languages, though given my tight schedule that might not happen soon đŸ˜Ŧ.

Hobbies and interests

I am mainly interested in:

  1. Language learning 🇧đŸ‡ŦđŸ‡Ŧ🇧🇩đŸ‡Ē🇨đŸ‡ŗ
  2. Skateboarding 🛹
  3. Travelling 🛩ī¸
  4. Video games(have not played in years though) 🎮

I want to devote more time to:

  1. Sketching and drawing ✍đŸģ
  2. Calligraphy and typography 🔤
  3. Music production 🎹
  4. 3D modelling đŸ“Ļ
  5. Creative writing 📝